Sanskrit's presence on the web is small. Whereas almost every Greek and Latin text ever written is freely available on the web, the same can hardly be said for Sanskrit. However, Sanskrit's presence on the web is slowly increasing; over time, more and more Sanskrit texts have been made freely available on the Internet, either in the form of scanned books or in the form of actual text. Actual text, however, is far better than scanned material because it can be copied, rearranged, searched, and processed quite easily.
To turn scanned material into actual text quickly and easily, we need a tool that can perform optical character recognition (or OCR for short) and convert a static and unwieldy representation of Sanskrit into more accessible and usable text. This page is a short guide to using OCR yourself. If you have a copy of a text that isn't freely available on the web, please consider using an OCR program to spread it and make it more usable for everybody.